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Meetings and Public Hearings 


BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF EDUCATION March 26, 2024 A Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on March 26, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber. Members present: Ben Huber, Mark Zachow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, and Kris Strauman. Admin present: Troy Kuhn MEETING STATEMENT: This March 26, 2024 special meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the agenda as printed. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to adjourn to closed session for the consideration of matters over which the Board has jurisdiction pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) – Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; for the purpose of conducting Principal interviews. Roll call vote was taken with Ben Huber, Mark Zachow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, and Kris Strauman all voting aye. Motion carried and meeting adjourned to closed session at 5:30 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to return to open session. Roll call vote was taken with Mark Zachow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Kris Strauman, and Ben Huber all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting returned to open session at 8:26 p.m. High School Principal Hire: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Jason Moder to direct Administration to make an offer to selected candidate for High School Principal position. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Jason Moder to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Mark Zachow, Clerk Publi8sh April 18, 2024 WNAXLP
CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 210 North Elizabeth Street Eden WI 53019 March 18, 2024 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:30 p.m. Meeting was held in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Sharon Gazzola, Maureen Koch, Keith Peters, Deborah Senn, Danielle Neitzel and Jessica Strand. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Shelley Eilbes, Sally Kellman, Kristi Bachar, Shanda Cerny, Amy Rettler, Sherman Gengler and Matt Seiser. 2. Also Present: Jim Hess, Stephanie Waldschmidt and six (6) Entrepreneurial students 4. Public Comment: Jim Hess spoke about the SAT’s 5. Announcements/ Recognitions – Deb Senn recognized Joey Loescher and the Middle School Choir group on the great job performing “Sleepy Hollow”. 6. Presentations a. Mrs. Waldschmidt and her Entrepreneurship class provided an update on the vending machine project 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. March 4, 2024 Board meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the March 4, 2024 Board meeting minutes. Motion carried 6-0-1. Keith Peters abstained. 8. Approval of expenses, payroll and receipts Mrs. Eilbes presented the expenses, payroll and receipts as well as a monthly budget report. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the expenses, payroll and receipts for the month of February. Motion carried 7-0-0. 9. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. CES Principal first round interviews were conducted today ii. New CHS Principal Mr. Wittig spent the day in-district on Friday, March 15, 2024 iii. Summer school information will be ready soon. More information will be presented at a future meeting iv. Spring elections take place on April 2, 2024. Board of Canvassers will verify School Board Spring election results on April 4, 2024 b. Principal / School Updates i. Mrs. Cerny had Benchmark Advanced attend today’s PD day to work with the teachers; DPI released a rubric that is looking at all of the curriculum which the teachers all reviewed (they will discuss at a future PD day). CES is kicking off their Kids Heart challenge; Celebrate CES is March 21, 2024; in their last week of One School One Book; currently in the middle of the Benchmark assessment testing. ii. EES is finishing up their Kids Heart challenge; the EES Wax Museum was last week; in their last week of One School One Book. iii. Mrs. Bachar touched on the Middle School Sleepy Hollow performance; CSD Visual Arts Team competed in the Visual Arts Classic Regional competition and brought home three (3) trophies and they are advancing on State; All-Conference Academic Bowl had seven (7) students that placed 2nd; Forensics travelled to the District meeting to qualify for State. The MS had a Pi Day Bee with one student able to memorize 62 digits of Pi; Pre-ACT testing is this week. iv. Mr. Gengler has been working on the testing set up. v. Mr. Seiser provided an update on the Facilities. EES drinking water was tested and came back very hard. They are continuing to work on the drinking water issue to try and get this resolved. Spring sports kick off tomorrow. c. Board Committees i. Curriculum and Technology (SG, MK, DN) – last met on January 2, 2024. Next meeting March 25, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office conference room ii. Facilities (KP, SG, MW) – last met on January 15, 2024. Next meeting April 15, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office conference room iii. Finance (DS, DN, MW) – last met on March 11, 2024 (joint meeting with Personnel) iv. Personnel (DN, DS, KP) – last met on March 11, 2024 (joint meeting with Finance) v. Policy (MK, JS, KP) – last met on December 7, 2023. Schedule next meeting in late April or May vi. Safety and Transportation (MK, JS, MW) – last met on November 8, 2023. Next meeting April 10, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office conference room vii. Board workshop was held on March 16, 2024 viii. CESA 6 Legislative Breakfast / PAC meeting April 5, 2024 10. Unfinished Business - None 11. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/ retirements Lisa Schaefer, EES Library Assistant has turned in her resignation with her last day being Friday, March 22, 2024. Jennifer Voigtlander, Teacher at EES has announced her retirement effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Danielle Neitzel to accept Mrs. Voigtlander’s retirement at the end of the 2023-2024 school year with regrets. Motion carried 7-0-0 ii. Hires Kathy LaMotte has been hired for clerical support at CES. She will be starting April 10, 2024. Matthew Madsen has been hired as the HS math teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to hire Mr. Madsen for the 2024-2025 school year at $64,400.00. Motion carried 7-0-0 iii. Elementary Bridges math curriculum quote Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Danielle Neitzel to approve the Elementary Bridges math curriculum quote in the amount of $66,267.20. Motion carried 7-0-0 iv. Graduation requirements and credits under new trimester schedule. Mr. Wissink has asked the Board to table this until the April 8, 2024 meeting. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to table the approval of the graduation requirements and credits under the new trimester schedule until the April 8, 2024 meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0 v. 2024-25 Board meeting dates Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the 2024-25 Board meeting dates as previously presented. Motion carried 6-0-1. Danielle Neitzel abstained. vi. 2025-26 School Calendar Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the 2025-26 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 6-1-0. Mike Weiss voted against. 12. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Math presentation (KP) 13. Closed Session - the Board convened into closed session at 8:47 p.m. Motion made by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 7-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. February 26, 2024 Expulsion hearings ii. March 4, 2024 Board meeting b. Discussion considering the employment, compensation, or performance of an employee over which the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility 14. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:28 p.m. Motion made by Danielle Neitzel, seconded by Mike Weiss. Motion carried 7-0-0. 15. Discussion with appropriate action regarding the Professional Staff Compensation Plan for 2024-25. Motion by Danielle Neitzel, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the Professional Staff Compensation Plan for 2024-25 as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1. Sharon Gazzola abstained. 16. Discussion with appropriate action regarding the Support Staff Compensation Plan for 2024-25. Motion by Keith Peters, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to approve the Support Staff Compensation Plan for 2024-25 as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. 17. Motion to Adjourn by Danielle Neitzel, seconded by Deb Senn at 9:30 p.m. Motion carried 7-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Sharon A. Gazzola Clerk SAG/smg 4/18 WNAXLP
CITY OF MANAWA COMMON COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 2024 6:00 pm Proceedings of the Manawa Common Council meeting held Monday, March 18, 2024. Called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Frazier pursuant to open meeting regulations, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Alderpersons present on roll call: Aaron Timm, Alice Brown, Jim Roenz, Mark Lehrer, Mary Eck, Ann Bonikowske, Mayor Mike Frazier. City Employees: Josh Smith, Jason Severson, Logan Hass. Audience: Emily Conroy. Moved Bonikowske/Eck to approve the agenda of March 18, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Roenz to approve the council meeting minutes of February 19, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Bonikowske to approve of the Bills of Allowance $403,408.27. Carried. Improvements: Sanitary sewer at Hawk Trailers : Moved Bonikowske/Eck to allow Dept. of Public Works to oversee that the sanitary sewer at Hawk Trailers be dug up and examined to see why the drainage is poor, fix the problem, and determine who is financially responsible after it is fixed. Carried. Plan Commission: Next meeting is next month. Mayor: Mayor Frazier said for the 150th celebration Manawa Cowboys will be playing flag football and cheerleaders will have a performance on Thursday. ThedaStar will have helicopter for Manawa Night Out. 4 ½ months to go. Mayor Frazier recognized Josh Smith and Wanye Wendt for 5 years of service to the city. DPW: Josh went over his report. Replaced roof on one of the baseball dugouts. Will be painting and staining once weather gets warmer. Will be attending WRWA Conference in La Crosse next week Tuesday thru Friday. Took the trees down behind City Hall as part of repairing the sidewalk to eliminate trip hazards. The heated bathrooms by the Sewer Plant and Veterans Park are open. Built a new gate at softball field. Pre construction meeting for road projects is set for Thursday April 4th at 1pm. Waupaca County annual utility meeting is set for Wednesday March 20th Nick and Wayne will be attending. Baseball coach has been doing updates on the baseball field. Police: Police report was given by Chief Severson. Went to WI School Safety Coordinators Assoc Conference. Will be attending Emergency Operations Plans for Rural Jurisdictions on March 20th. Will be attending quarterly school safety meeting on March 21st. Spring clean-up dates are set for Saturday April 20th and Monday April 22nd. Fire: Chief Josh Smith went over his report. Added 2 new members up to a total of 28 members. 36 is the highest the department has had. Calendar raffle tickets drawing will take place next month. Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday April 28th. Looking to go back to in person next year. Recognized members of the department that took part in a life saving effort. Calls are at 45 for the year and 13 since last meeting. Library: Library board rep Alice said there are a lot of programs for all ages at the library. Clerk: Financial Report: General Fund balance – $43,780.46; Government Pool – $276,250.02; Licenses: Moved Eck/Lehrer to approve operator’s licenses for Amanda Larson, Elizabeth Clary, Hanna Kopecky. Carried. Temp Class B License : Moved Bonikowske/Roenz to approve Temporary Class B Wine License for Manawa Revitalization Committee Wine Walk on Thursday May 2, 2024. Carried. Certified survey map 175 Quality Drive : Moved Eck/Roenz to approve certified survey map at 175 Quality Drive which would combine all 4 lots into 1 lot. Carried. Certified survey map 383 N Bridge Street: Moved Eck/Timm to approve certified survey map at 383 N Bridge Street. Brown Abstained. Carried. Resolutions: Resolution 2024-6: Moved Bonikowske/Roenz to adopt Resolution 2024-6 to hold the Board of Review on May 20, 2024 from 3:45-5:45 pm and the Open Book on May 13, 2024 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Carried. New Business: Finance and Personnel will have a meeting on Monday April 15th at 5pm to discuss vacate East of Inn Street between Mill Street and Factory Street, cage in City Hall basement, Archeologists for street projects, Investment of Bonds. Moved Brown/Bonikowske to adjourn at 7:00 pm. Carried. Logan Hass, City Clerk Publish April 25, 2024 WNAXLP
CITY OF WAUPACA ABRIDGED COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL (with the option to attend virtually via video / teleconferencing) MARCH 19, 2024 6:07 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to regulations, the Common Council of the city of Waupaca met on the above date and time. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CLERK TO READ OPEN MEETING STATEMENT Barb Nowak, City Clerk stated this meeting and all meetings of the Common Council are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the Media, in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes so that the citizens may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Brian Smith, Alderpersons Collin Dykstra, Paul Hagen, Dmitri Martin, Paul Mayou, Cory Nagel, Eric Olson, Dave Peterson, Scott Purchatzke and Henry Veleker Absent: A quorum was declared. Also Present: Aaron Jenson, City Administrator, Barb Nowak, City Clerk, Mat Klatt, KlattAero, Eric Bailey, Library Director, Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director, Stephanie Reif, Finance Director, Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works, Leslie Beyersdorf, Parks and Recreation Department, Chief Brian Hoelzel, Police Department, Josh Werner, IT Community Media Director 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member or City staff so requests it, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda. The items selected for the Consent Agenda are as follows: Regular and Special Meeting Minutes, Monthly Income Report for the Parks and Recreation Department, Airport Hangar Reports, Monthly Department Head Reports, Payrolls and Bills, Quarterly Weights and Measures Reports, Quarterly Room Tax Reports, Second Reading of Ordinances, if received a unanimous recommendation at the previous meeting, project invoices for projects previously approved by City Council, any low bid budgeted operating or capital expenditure under $25,000 approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and any expenditure of non-city funds that received a unanimous recommendation. A) MONTHLY REPORTS 1. Library Director’s Report 2. Community and Economic Development Director’s Report 3. Finance Director’s Report 4. Director of Public Works Report 5. Parks & Recreation Department Report 6. Police Department Report 7. IT & Community Media Director Report 8. City Clerk’s Report 9. City Administrator’s Report B) PAY REQUESTS AND CHANGE ORDERS, INVOICES FOR PROJECTS/CONTRACTS HAVING PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ANY OTHER INVOICES THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL: none C) MONTHLY/QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORTS: 1. Airport Hangar Report 2. Permits issued by Community and Economic Development Dept. 3. Monthly Operating Statistics for Waupaca Taxi D) APPROVAL OF BILLS – CITY GENERAL, WATER, SEWER, AND SPECIAL FUNDS E) MEETING MINUTES: POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on March 12, 2024 CITY PLAN COMMISSION • Minutes of a Public Hearing and a Regular Meeting on February 7, 2024 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on March 5, 2024 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on March 6, 2024 MOVED by Ald. Olson SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES of the Consent Agenda as presented. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 6. REGULAR AGENDA MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES of the Regular Agenda as presented. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. A. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: - informational 2. PUBLIC INPUT -informational 3. COMMUNITY / DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS • Todd Jones is reporting WIKI for the Waupaca Area Arts and Culture Network (WACCN) • Department Heads highlighted on topics from their reports submitted in the council packet B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Ordinance No. 05-2024 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.27 Providing for the Regulation of Mobile Food Establishments, Licenses and Permits (2nd reading) – Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director Works MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Martin, Council ADOPTS Ordinance No. 05-2024 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.27 Providing for the Regulation of Mobile Food Establishments, Licenses and Permits. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Dykstra, Hagen, Veleker, Purchatzke, Peterson, Mayou, Martin, Nagel and Olson voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. C. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Request by Mike Stroik, H.H. Hinder Brewing Co. to Expand Outdoor Service Area for H.H. Hinder HEAD Butt Homebrew Competition on Saturday April 27, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. MOVED by Ald. Hagen, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES Request by Mike Stroik, H.H. Hinder Brewing Co. to Expand Outdoor Service Area for H.H. Hinder HEAD Butt Homebrew Competition on Saturday April 27, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 2. World Hemophilia Day Campaign ‘Light it Up Red’ Awareness Campaign, April 17, 2024 – Heather Hansen / Erica Brock MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES recognizing April 17, 2024 as World Hemophilia Day Campaign ‘Light it up Red’ Awareness campaign. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 3. License Report No. 1668 – “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License Waupaca Gas LLC, dba Waupaca Marathon, Jane Severson, Agent – Barb Nowak, City Clerk, MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Purchatzke, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1668 – “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License Waupaca Gas LLC, dba Waupaca Marathon, Jane Severson, Agent 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 4. Ordinance No. 14-2023 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 11, City of Waupaca Health and Sanitation Code (1st Reading) - Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director **1st Reading – No action 5. Certified Survey Map | 1036 Townsend Road, William & Drena M. Vetter Ir in Only Trust – Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES Certified Survey Map | 1036 Townsend Road, William & Drena M. Vetter Ir in Only ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Veleker, Hagen, Mayou, Peterson, Purchatzke, Olson, Dykstra, Nagel and Martin voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 6. Nels Rasmussen Park Garden Shed Installment – Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director MOVED by Ald. Mayou, SECONDED by Ald. Nagel, Council APPROVES the installment of a garden shed on Nels Rasmussen Park, not to exceed $5,633.00. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Veleker, Hagen, Mayou, Peterson, Purchatzke, Olson, Dykstra, Nagel and Martin voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 7. Purchase New Parks Superintendent Pickup truck 2024 – Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Hagen, Council APPROVES the purchase of a 2024 Ram 2500 Pickup from Petersen Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram for an amount not to exceed $46,955.50 for the Park Department ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Martin, Nagel, Dykstra, Olson, Purchatzke, Peterson, Mayou, Hagen and Veleker voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. D. ISSUES/PROJECT DISCUSSION (30 MINUTE MAXIMUM) – NO ACTION REQUIRED E. COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MAYOR F. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Ald. Hagen, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council ADJOURNS until the next Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday March 19, 2024, subject to call. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:34 P.M. Mayor Brian Smith Audio of all Council meetings can be found on the City of Waupaca website: bn Publish April 25, 2024 WNAXLP
COMMON COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 9, 2024 A regular and open meeting of the City of New London Common Council was convened on Tuesday, April 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. After the Pledge of Allegiance, roll was called. Presiding: Mayor Mark Herter. Members Present: Robert Besaw, Michael Barrington, Bernie Ritchie, BaLynda Croy, Dennis Herter, John Hass, Charlene Magolski, John Faucher, David Dorsey Members Absent: Timothy Roberts Officers Present: City Administrator Chad Hoerth & City Clerk Nicole Ryerson VISITORS: None SWEARING-IN OF NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS: Michael Barrington, Dennis Herter, John Hass, John Faucher, David Dorsey & Mayor Mark Herter took the oath of office. AGENDA: Besaw / Barrington to approve the Agenda as presented. Carried 9-0 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: A. The mayor opened the floor for nominations for Council President. Ritchie nominated Hass. Hass was declared Council President as the votes were 9-0 in his favor as follows: Croy for Hass Ritchie for Hass Hass for Hass D. Herter for Hass Faucher for Hass Magolski for Hass Besaw for Hass Barrington for Hass Dorsey for Hass B. Barrington / Dorsey to Designate New London Press Star as official newspaper. Carried 8-0-1 (Faucher abstained). C. D. Herter/ Ritchie to pass Resolution #1469. Carried 9-0 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF CITY MONIES RESOLVED, that the following banking institutions: First State Bank of New London, WI; Associated Bank, New London, WI; Edward Jones & Company; Wolf River Community Bank; Community First Credit Union; Fox Communities Credit Union; B.C. Ziegler & Company; UBS Financial Services; Morgan Stanley; RBC Dain Rauscher; and the Local Government Investment Pool of the State Treasurer, qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and are hereby designated, until further action, as public depositories for all public monies coming into the possession of the City of New London, Waupaca and Outagamie Counties, Wisconsin and any of its legal subsidiaries such as Floral Hill Cemetery, and the New London Utilities, etc. excepting the New London Housing Authority which has complete custody of its own funds; and That withdrawal or disbursement from a demand deposit from any one of the above named depositories shall be by order check, as provided in §66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes; that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the following persons: Judy M. Radke, Treasurer or Nicole Ryerson, Clerk and countered signed by Mark Herter, Mayor or, John Hass, President of the Common Council, and shall be so honored. The withdrawal or disbursement upon such demand deposits may also be made through electronic fund transfer and automated clearinghouse methods in accordance with §66.0603(lm). The withdrawal or disbursement of City funds held in any of the above named depositories in a demand deposit or time deposit to any other demand or time deposit in the same or other authorized depository may be accomplished by order check, electronic fund transfer or automated clearinghouse method by the Clerk or Treasurer, insofar as such demand or time deposit is under the sole authority and control of the City of New London, and its legal subsidiaries. It is further resolved, that in lieu of their personal signatures, the facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by: Judy M. Radke, Treasurer; Nicole Ryerson, Clerk; Mark Herter, Mayor; may be affixed on such order checks, that any one of the above named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimile not withstanding that the same may have been placed therein without the authority of the designated person or persons. In addition, the Council authorizes the Clerk and Treasurer to invest public monies at any of the above named public depositories, within the limits established by law acting to the best of their ability to ensure the safety of these funds, in compliance with the City Financial Policy adopted February 13, 2007, as amended. A certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution until changed by lawful resolution and certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective above named depositories. Adopted this 9th day of April 2024, Mark Herter, Mayor ATTEST Nicole Ryerson, City Clerk D. Mayor Herter made the following appointments: Mayoral Appointment of Committees, Commissions & Boards April 2024 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS John Hass (Chr.), Mike Barrington (V Chr.), Dennis Herter, Dave Dorsey, Bernie Ritchie FINANCE & PERSONNEL Dave Dorsey (Chr.), John Faucher (V Chr.), Mike Barrington, Bob Besaw, Tim Roberts PARKS, RECREATION & LEISURE ACTIVITIES Bob Besaw, (Chr.), John Faucher (V Chr.), John Hass, Bernard Ritchie, Charlene Magolski Citi-zen members: Jim Jaeger and Steve Groat / Student member: Jack Kedinger ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BaLynda Croy (Chr.), Dave Dorsey (V Chr.), John Faucher, Tim Roberts Citizen members: Hans Thompson, Bill Bishop, and April Kopitzke Stu-dent members: Wyatt Adamovich and Carson Gregory PLAN COMMISSION APRIL / 3YRS. Bernie Ritchie, CHR 1003 Shiocton St. (920) 538-0558 Mark Herter, V CHR 920 Smith St. (920) 538-3051 Jay Bessette 400 E. N. Water St. (920) 982-8516 2025 Dona Gabert 1013 N. Water St. (920) 982-4780 2025 Jeff Handschke N5590 Fairway Dr. (920) 810-1363 2026 Susie Steingraber 1930 Nassau St. (920) 810-5592 2025 Jamie Walbruck (920) 878-1012 2026 BOARD OF REVIEW FOR 2024 Mark Herter, Bob Besaw, Nicole Ryerson, Dave Dorsey, Mike Barring-ton Alternates: John Faucher & John Haas CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE This is a Committee of the Whole- all Council members make it up. E. Besaw / Hass to confirm Plan Commission appointments. Carried 8-0-1 (Ritchie abstained) At 7:07 p.m. there being no other business Roberts / Ritchie moved to adjourn. Carried 9-0. Nicole Ryerson, City Clerk April 10, 2024 Publish April 25, 2024 WNAXLP
De Pere WNAXLP Common Council Regular Meeting Final Minutes Tuesday, March 19, 2024 7:30 PM Council Chambers & Virtual The following is a summary of actions taken at the 3/19/24 Common Council meeting. A complete copy of the minutes is available in the Clerk’s office at 335 S Broadway, De Pere WI or online at Citizens/Default.asp 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor James Boyd. Present were Alds. Carpenter, Gantz, Hansen, Kundinger, Ledvina, Perock, Quigley, & Raasch. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Approval of the minutes of the March 5, 2024 Common Council meeting. Motion Carpenter second Raasch APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 4. Public Hearing on Zoning Map Amendment at the 100 Block - 600 Block of Third Street. A. Notice of Public Hearing. B. Recommendation from Plan Commission. C. Ordinance #24-06 Approving a Zoning Map Amendment from PI-1 Neighborhood Public & Institutional District to PI-2 Campus Public & Institutional District (Parcels WD-688, WD-954, WD-171, WD-40, WD-691, WD-952, WD-936, WD-692, WD-727, WD-728, WD-697-1, WD-689, WD-721, WD-942, WD-950, WD-22, WD-38, WD-696, WD-697, WD-34, WD-945-1, WD-953, WD-686, WD-687, WD-941, WD-27, WD-685, WD-695, WD-23, WD-905, WD-7, WD-949-1, WD-694, WD-36, WD-690, WD-951, WD-945, WD-698, WD-8, WD-13, WD-949, WD-693, WD-934, WD-732; 100-600 Block Third Street, also known as 100 Grant Street). Motion Raasch second Ledvina ADOPTED [7 TO 0] with Ald. Kundinger abstaining 5. Public comment upon matters not on the agenda. Comments made during the public comment period shall pertain only to matters under the jurisdiction of the Common Council. §6-3(f) DPMC. 6. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to use $2,765 from the Fire Department Donation Account for boat work. Motion Hansen second Gantz APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 7. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to accept $500 donation from civic groups of De Pere for therapy dog Stanley. Motion Gantz second Ledvina ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] 8. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to approve 2024 Non-Benefit Eligible Employees Wage Scale. Motion Perock second Quigley APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 9. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to approve agreement with Clarity Enrollment Solutions for voluntary employee benefits. Motion Perock second Raasch APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 10. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to approve Additional Compensation Employment Agreement for Emotional Support Animal Care. Motion Ledvina second Gantz APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 11. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to add a Forestry Supervisor Position to the Forestry Division, after July 1, 2024. Motion Hansen second Raasch APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 12. Recommendation from Finance/Personnel Committee to accept $1,000 donation from Kwik Trip, Inc. for the Police Training Center. Motion Kundinger second Gantz ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] 13. Recommendation from the Board of Public Works on implementing 2024 pilot program for full length sanitary lateral replacement through the utilization of ARPA funding. Motion Carpenter second Raasch APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 14. Recommendation from the Board of Public Works on award of Contract 23-22 MSC Fuel Tank Replacement to Interstate Pump and Tank, Inc. in the amount of $624,640.00. Motion Raasch second Perock APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 15. Recommendation from the Board of Public Works on award of Contract 24-01 Sewer and Water Relay and Street Resurfacing to Kruczek Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,333,333.33. Motion Raasch second Ledvina APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 16. Resolution #24-21 Approving Agreement for Consulting Services Between the City of De Pere and Dixon Engineering, Inc. (Verizon Wireless Antenna Installation-Merrill Street Water Tower). Motion Carpenter second Perock ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 17. Resolution #24-22 Authorizing Agreement for Consulting Services Between the City of De Pere and Utility Service Co., Inc. (2024 Reservoir & Tower Inspections). Motion Perock second Quigley ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 18. Resolution #24-23 Approving Annual Report Under Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and its Submission to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Motion Raasch second Perock ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 19. Resolution #24-24 Authorizing Submission of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Program Construction Grant Application. Motion Hansen second Gantz ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 20. Resolution #24-25 Authorizing Agreement for Contractor Services Between the City of De Pere and American Pavement Solutions, Inc. (Concrete Grinding Sidewalk-Various Locations). Motion Raasch second Perock ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 21. Resolution #24-26 Approving Amendments to Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the City of De Pere Employee Policy Manual. Motion Perock second Gantz ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 22. Resolution #24-27 Authorizing Memorandum of Understanding regarding Nalox-Zone Boxes with Wisconsin Voices for Recovery. Motion Gantz second Raasch ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 23. Resolution #24-28 Establishing Non-Lapsing Funds as of December 31, 2023. Motion Raasch second Kundinger ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 24. Resolution #24-29 Authorizing Agreement for Consultant Services Between the City of De Pere and Vogels Buckman Appraisal Group Inc. Motion Hansen second Carpenter ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 25. Resolution #24-30 Authorizing Development Agreement Regarding Facility Construction Between the City of De Pere and Smet Properties, LLC (Parcel WD-D0076). Motion Perock second Ledvina ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 26. Resolution #24-31 Authorizing Development Agreement Regarding Building Construction Between the City of De Pere and GMS, Inc. (Parcel Nos. WD-L176-1 & WD-1138; Builders Court). Motion Quigley second Perock ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE [UNANIMOUS] 27. Update on Nelson Family Pavilion Construction Progress. 28. Appointment to the Green Bay Area Room Tax Commission by Mayor Boyd. Motion Hansen second Gantz APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 29. Future agenda items. 30. Consideration and Possible Action regarding EMS Service Contracts. Motion Raasch second Gantz to close the meeting at 7:57 PM. [UNANIMOUS ROLL CALL] Motion Raasch second Ledvina to open the meeting at 8:29 PM. [UNANIMOUS ROLL CALL] 31. Adjournment. Motion Perock second Gantz to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. [UNANIMOUS] Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Carey Danen Publish 03.19.24 WNAXLP
Green Bay WNAXLP MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024, 6:00 PM In person at City Hall, Room 203 - Council Chambers. Virtual attendance also available via Zoom. B. ROLL CALL. Present-- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Moved by Scannell, seconded by Eck to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 1. March 5, 2024. F. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. Moved by Ald. Melinda Eck, seconded by Ald. Brian Johnson to move planning after RDA. Motion passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. William Morgan to approve as amended. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. I. RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS. J. APPOINTMENTS. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Brian Johnson to approve. Motion passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 1. Appointments: Redevelopment Authority Stephen Srubas, 1175 Kellogg St, Green Bay, WI 54303 Term to expire: March 1, 2027 (filling the remainder of a term) K. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING FOR ADOPTION. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Brian Johnson to suspend. Motion passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Brian Johnson to adopt. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 1. General Ordinance 5-24 An ordinance repealing section 2-180, and amending Section 2-179 and 2-327 of the Green bay Municipal Code, relating to Economic Development Authority. 2. General Ordinance 7-24 An ordinance amending Section 10-89, Green Bay Municipal Code, relating to Cigarette License. 3. General Ordinance No. 06-24 An ordinance amending section 44-138, Green Bay Municipal Code, relating to Zoning Board of Appeals. L. REPORT OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (MARCH 12, 2024). Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Steuer to approve. Motion passed Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Ald. Johnson abstains from item 5. 2. To approve Development Agreement 24-02 with Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity Homestead Project for road construction. The Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Sections 19.85(1)(e), Wis. Stats., for purposes of deliberating or negotiating the sale of public properties, investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business as necessary for competitive or bargaining reasons. The Authority may thereafter reconvene in open session pursuant to Section 19.85(2), Wis. Stats., to report the results of the closed session and consider the balance of the agenda. 3. To approve the Second Amendment to Development Agreement 18-02 between the City of Green Bay and the Green Bay Redevelopment Authority regarding improvements to the Shipyard. The Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Sections 19.85(1)(e), Wis. Stats., for purposes of deliberating or negotiating the sale of public properties, investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business as necessary for competitive or bargaining reasons. The Authority may thereafter reconvene in open session pursuant to Section 19.85(2), Wis. Stats., to report the results of the closed session and consider the balance of the agenda. 4. To accept an Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant through U.S. National Parks Service and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for $5,000,000. 5. To approve Development Agreement 24-03 with GB Real Estate Investments LLC for the Southwest Woods development at 2405 W. Mason Street (Tax Parcel 6H-1109) and unaddressed Tax Parcels 6H-1109-2, 6H-1109-3, 6H-11089, and 6H-1091, subject to final review and approval by the City Attorney and Community & Economic Development Department. The Council may convene in closed session pursuant to Sections 19.85(1)(e), Wis. Stats., for purposes of deliberating or negotiating the sale of public properties, investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business as necessary for competitive or bargaining reasons. The Authority may thereafter reconvene in open session pursuant to Section 19.85(2), Wis. Stats., to report the results of the closed session and consider the balance of the agenda. M. REPORT OF THE IMPROVEMENT & SERVICES COMMITTEE (MARCH 13, 2024). Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Campbell to approve, except item 18. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 18. To order the improvements constructed and assessments levied for the following streets: ASPHALT RESURFACING Basten Street – Ruth Street to Clement Street Eastman Avenue – N. Irwin Avenue to N. Baird Street N. Baird Street – Eastman Avenue to Smith Street Reber Street – N. Jackson Street to N. Webster Avenue Gray Court – Velp Avenue to cul-de-sac Lincoln Street – Mary Street to Emmet Street Hudson Street – Western Avenue to Shawano Avenue Ethel Avenue – Bond Street – Velp Avenue Verlin Road – Lime Kiln Road to 1700 feet West of Lime Kiln Road ASPHALT PAVEMENT S. Oakland Avenue – Howard Street to 225 feet south of School Place Finger Road – Superior Road to Challenger Drive S. Maple Avenue – 9th Street to cul-de-sac north Cass Street – S. Madison Street to Monroe Avenue E. Mason Street – Jaster Street to Bader Street and to take no action until 2025 on the following streets: N. Maple Avenue - Walnut Street to Mather Street and 4th Street - Broadway to S. Maple Street Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Melinda Eck to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. N. REPORT OF THE PROTECTION & POLICY COMMITTEE (MARCH 11, 2024). Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Craig Stevens to approve, except item 8. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 8. To receive and place on file a communication from Ald. Scannell (District 7), for consideration with possible action to adopt in one reading an ordinance banning conversion or reparative therapy. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Bill Galvin to refer to staff. Moved by Ald. Eck, seconded by Ald. Scannell to open the floor. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Comment form: Eric Drzewiecki, 632 S. Roosevelt (wants to speak) supports RPF Steven Hall, 908 Thrush St, (wants to speak), raise concerns about banning conv. therapy In the room: Rocky Rodriguez, 2685 E. Oneida Rd Barbara Dorff, 3375 Pebble Beach Ct James Harris, 515 E 5th St, Shawano Connor Tenor, 924 Mather St Gloria Eastman, 601 Rothe St Natalie Hoffman, 559 Rothe St Ann Parrott, 3154 Golden Hours, Ct, Suamico Jon Shelton, 1045 Webster Ave. Joey Prestley, 837 Liebman Ct Jesse Simcak, 836 White Pine DP Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Campbell to close the floor. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Moved by Jesse Brunette, seconded by Ald. William Morgan to hold until 2nd meeting in May. Motion Failed. Yes- Melinda Eck, William Morgan, Chris Wery, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No-Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, Randy Scannell, Craig Stevens, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Chris Wery, seconded by Ald. William Morgan to amend to add, "exploring banning hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery where the sole purpose would be gender reassignment, for minors." Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- Randy Scannell, None, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Galvin to approve as amended. Motion passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. O. REPORT OF THE PROTECTION & POLICY COMMITTEE GRANTING OPERATOR LICENSES. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Craig Stevens to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. P. REPORT OF THE PLAN COMMISSION (SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 15, 2024). Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Melinda Eck to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Q. REPORT OF THE PARK COMMITTEE (MARCH 13, 2024). Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Wery to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Ald. Johnson abstains from item 2. R. REPORT OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. (MARCH 12, 2024) Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Bill Galvin to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. S. INFORMATIONAL. 1. Municipal Court Monthly Financial Report 2. Building Report for February 2024 T. RESOLUTIONS. Moved by Ald. Jim Hutchison, seconded by Ald. Craig Stevens to suspend, Ald. Brunette abstains from item 1. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Steuer to approve. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 1. Resolution approving issuance of Housing Authority of the City of Green Bay, Wisconsin Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 (The Gateway Collective, Inc. Project). 2. Resolution of Recognition Murphy Park Neighborhood Association. 3. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 4. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 5. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 6. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 7. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 8. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 9. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 10. Final resolution authorizing asphalt pavement improvements and levying special assessments against property. 11. Resolution authorizing amendments to a Land Division Variance to allow for the development of a mixed-use neighborhood and extension of Hinkle Street from W. Mason Street to Hobart Drive. U. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Melinda Eck to suspend the rules and take up all with one roll call vote. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Bill Galvin to advance. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. 1. General Ordinance No. 8-24 An ordinance amending GBMC 2-324(h), Green Bay Municipal Code, relating to solicitation of funds. 2. Planning Ordinance No. 01-24 An ordinance approving a four-lot Certified Survey Map at 0 Lime Kiln Road. V. REFERRAL OF PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS. none were offered W. ADJOURNMENT. Moved by Ald. Scannell, seconded by Ald. Steuer to adjourn. Motion Passed. Yes- Melinda Eck, Bill Galvin, Jennifer Grant, Jim Hutchison, Brian Johnson, William Morgan, Craig Stevens, Chris Wery, Randy Scannell, Jesse Brunette, Mark Steuer, Steven Campbell No- None, Abstain- None. Publish 04.19.24 WNAXLP
Kewaskum School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Thursday, March 14, 2024 The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Leister in the Kewaskum High School located at 1510 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI. Roll Call of Board members present: Dennis Aupperle, Stephanie Bird, Jim Leister, Ric Leitheiser, Sue Miller, Bradley Petersen, Timothy Ramthun. Following a moment of silence, Dr. Bazata verified that the meeting had been posted pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4). Agenda Corrections and/or Deletions. BPetersen/TRamthun motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun led the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda BPetersen/DAupperle motion to approve the consent agenda including; minutes - 020824; Instructional Resignations - Emily Garbisch English Teacher; Instructional Hires - Keith Brightman Business Manager/School Business Administrator, Kevin Bryant High School Principal; Extracurricular Resignations - Jeffry Voss Girls Varsity Basketball Assistant Coach, Emily Garbisch Key Club Advisor; Extracurricular Hires - Anna Baltz KMS Spanish Club Advisor, Michael Mandujano KMS Spanish Club Advisor, Brian Penfield Assistant Track and Field Coach, Aubrey Thiede Assistant Track and Field Coach, Rachael Holmes Dramatics MS Production Assistant. Motion passed 7-0. Items for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/SMiller motion to approve payroll report for $1,406,436.30. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/TRamthun motion to approve accounts payable for $443,659.72. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun/SMiller motion to adopt and purchase CKLA-Amplify as the Kewaskum School District Elementary ELA curriculum for $232,954.64 based on current enrollment. Motion passed 7-0 TRamthun/JLeister motion to table item 7.D Library Plan until April 11, 2024 Board meeting. Motion passed 7-0. BPetersen/DAupperle motion to approve the Early College Credit Program requests not to exceed $2,800. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun/SMiller motion to approve the Start College Now requests not to exceed $2,075. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun/DAupperle motion to approve overnight and/or out of state field trip for KHS FFA to attend Spring Mission/Leadership Conference in Wisconsin Dells, WI 04/11-04/12/24. Motion passed 7-0. JLeister/DAupperle motion to approve overnight field trip for KMS Rocket Club to Rocket for Schools Competition in Sheboygan, WI, 05/10-05/11/24. Motion passed 7-0. Purchases over $7,500 for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/SBird motion to approve purchase of servers and installation from RiseTech Partners for $57,334.00. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/DAupperle motion to approve purchase of Securly through WiscNet at a cost of $12,450 per year for 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/DAupperle motion to approve, per recommendation from 2/28/24 Building and Grounds Committee, Athletic Field Services proposal for $104,236. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/SMiller motion to approve, per recommendation from 2/28/24 Building and Grounds Committee, FES Lighting replacement by Preferred Electric for $102,600.00. Motion passed 7-0. Policy BPetersen/TRamthun motion, per recommendation from 01/10/24 Policy Committee, to approve revised policy 5460 Graduation Requirements. Motion passed 7-0. Closed Session Pursuant to State Statute 19.85(1)(e)(c)(c) BPetersen/DAupperle motion to adjourn to closed session to consider transportation contract negotiations, employee compensation and employee evaluation. Motion passed 7-0. Open session ended at 7:39 p.m. Open session reconvened at 8:21 p.m. DAupperle/SMiller motion to approve Administration to negotiate a three year contract with Johnson School Bus to provide student transportation. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/BPetersen motion to approve the resolution for the 2024-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Motion passed 7-0. SBird/BPetersen motion to approve all staff salary pool increase up to 4.25%. Motion passed 7-0. Adjournment JLeister/BPetersen motion to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. Minutes by: Lisa Heiser, Executive Assistant Approved: April 11, 2024 Board President: Jim Leister 4/18 WNAXLP
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NEW LONDON BOARD OF EDUCATION AT THE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Monday, March 25, 2024 PRESENT: K. Batten, J. Heideman M. Grossman, C. Martinson, H. Schweitzer, T. Wegner, and M. Wilz. I. VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION (PUBLIC FORUM) II. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by C. Martinson, President. A quorum was established. The pledge of allegiance was led by C. Martinson. Holly Schweitzer joined the meeting virtually. III. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Consent agenda items were moved to Closed Session. IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Review and Potential Approval of Revised Policy It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by K. Batten to approve revised Policy 411, Equal Educational Opportunities/ Complaint Procedure as presented. M. Wilz called the question. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 5-2 (M. Grossman-no, J. Heidemanyes, H. Schweitzer-yes, T. Wegner-no, M. Wilz-yes, K. Batten-yes, C. Martinson-yes). The motion to approve revised Policy 411 was carried on a roll call vote of 5-2 (J. Heideman-yes, H. Schweitzer-yes, T. Wegner-no, M. Wilz-yes, C. Martinson-yes, K. Batten-yes, M. Grossman-no). V. NEW BUSINESS A. Summer School Program Design D. Sievert and D. Kamba reviewed the summer school program design for 2024. B. Review and Potential Approval of Pupil Nondiscrimination Self-Evaluation Report 2023-24 K. Martin reviewed the pupil nondiscrimination self-evaluation report. It was moved by T. Wegner and seconded by M. Grossman to approve the Pupil Nondiscrimination Self-Evaluation Report 2023-24 as presented. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. C. Review and Potential Approval of ESSER III Funding for School Furniture Resources S. Bleck and J. Marquardt reviewed the proposed funding for school furniture resources. It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by M. Wilz to approve the additional ESSER funding areas as presented. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. D. Review and Potential Approval of Youth Apprenticeship K-12 Education and Information Technology Pathway Compensation S. Bleck reviewed the proposed Youth Apprenticeship pathways. It was moved by T. Wegner and seconded by J. Heideman to approve the development of the Youth Apprenticeship K-12 Education and Information Technology Pathways at $12.00 per hour. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. The Board will be updated as the program is further developed. E. Legal Conference Update C. Martinson reviewed the legal conference he attended on February 29 in Appleton. F. Review and Approval to Allow Remote Board Participation Via Technology During Closed Session (Policy 188) It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by J. Heideman to allow remote board participation via technology during Closed Session. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. VI. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by T. Wegner and seconded by K. Batten to enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes as listed on the agenda at 7:03 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. It was moved by K. Batten and seconded by J. Heideman to enter open session at 7:57 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. VII. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A. Resignation of Personnel It was moved by H. Schweitzer and seconded by M. Grossman to approve the resignations of:  Angela Wiliamson Emmert, English High School  Barbara Dodd, Vocal Music, Intermediate/Middle School  Abigail Hernandez, Bilingual Tutor, Lincoln Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0 B. Employment of Personnel It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by J. Heideman to approve the employment of Coral Newton, Special Education Teacher. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by M. Grossman to approve the employment of Philip Sloma, Associate Principal/Activities Director. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by J. Heideman and seconded by K. Batten to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Motion carried. Katie Batten, Clerk Publish April 18, 2024 WNAXLP
REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2024 FREMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STEM ACADEMY ROOM Meeting called to order by President, Sandy Smith at 6:00 p.m. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegience. Roll Call - Board members present: Kohl, aye; Smith, aye; Wagner, aye, Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye; Leschke, aye; Gerrits, aye. Board members absent: None. Meeting properly noticed: Yes. Quorum: Yes. Administration present: Phillip Tubbs, Jodi Alix, Donald Ryan. Administration absent: Alexander Muir and Nick Schultek attended virtually. Supervisors present: None. Others Present: Nancy Gorchals, Brittany Bartol, Paul Krause, Wally Sedlar. COMMUNICATION AND VISITORS VISITORS: None. ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP TUBBS Mr. Tubbs referenced a Rural Utilities Services (RUS) Grant in which the district received for $37,000 through the Erving Network Consortium. On March 14th the committee will be coming to our school to take a tour of the building. He also noted that the student and staff engagement surveys have gone out. JODI ALIX Mrs. Alix congratulated the following groups or individuals that will be moving on to state which included wrestlers, state solo ensemble, power lifting, FCCLA, Forensics, and FFA. She mentioned that Coach Zimmerman is doing a podcast with the students; and listed some of the upcoming events which include the science fair, Parent Teacher Conferences, and the Musical. She noted that they have completed an academic audit and they will use the data for instructional coaching which helps teachers to be stronger educators. DONALD RYAN Mr. Ryan welcomed everyone to the Stem Academy in Fremont and noted the hard work that the teachers and the school board are doing to grow the program. He noted that the school is a project based learning program. He also stated that Brianna Lubbers has been a great compliment to Jennifer Steidtman. NICHOLAS SCHULTEK Mr. Schultek noted he was at the WASBO conference and is learning a lot on the federal funding. ALEXANDER MUIR Mr. Muir and Mr. Tubbs noted that we are still receiving some tax money. He noted that the food service is running good at this time and the medical is still running high. As it stands right now they are looking at a 20% increase and hopefully we can get this to go down. When USI Group is on board we are hoping that they can come up with some things to lower the increase for the next school year. BOARD OF EDUCATION Ms. Loehrke asked about the status of the middle school roof. STUDENT SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Wisner was not available. OLD BUSINESS CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE Mr. Krause gave an update to the board on the open enrollment and stated that right now they have 21 new applicants and the enrollment closes on March 15th. They are looking at an enrollment of approximately 44 students for the next school year. He stated that the teachers are doing a great job and depending on the enrollment we may need to add a third teacher. He also noted that Chamomile submitted the application for the high school charter and should hear back mid-June. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion by seconded by Ehrenberg, seconded by Smith, to approve the February monthly payments as printed. Roll call vote: Smith, aye; Kohl, nay; Wagner, aye; Loehrke, aye; Leschke, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gerrits aye. Six (6 ayes. One (1) nays. Motion carried. Motion by Smith, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the February monthly cash receipts as printed. Roll call vote: Ehrenberg, aye; Kohl, aye; Gerrits, aye; Wagner, aye; Smith, aye; Leschke, aye; Loehrke, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Nothing to report. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Leschke, seconded by Smith, to accept the consent agenda as presented. Six (6 ayes. One (1) nays. Motion carried. Under the Consent Agenda, the Board of Education approved the following: A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – 2-12-24 B. Regular Board of Education Meeting –1-22-24 C. Hires – Alexander Muir - Director of Business Services, Tiffany Malin - Paraprofessional NEW BUSINESS 2022-2023 District Audit Presentation (Discussion) David Minch from Kerber Rose gave a presentation to the board on the 2022-2023 audit of the financial statements. The fund balance decreased approximately $290,000 due to increased operating costs and healthcare. They also looked at the ESSER funds and there were no instances of non-compliance. 2024 Summer School Dates (Action) Motion by Smith, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the summer school dates as they were presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE FIELD TRIP (Action) Motion by Smith, seconded by Leschke, to approve the out of state field trip as it was presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. 2024-2025 District Calendar (Action) Motion by Leschke, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the 2024-2025 district calendar as it was presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. CALENDAR & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS March 11th Committee of the Whole March 25th Regular BOE Meeting Motion by Smith, seconded by Kohl, to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. The March Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on March 25,2024 at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Forum Room. Monthly Regular Board of Education Meeting agendas will be posted on the district website at www.wegafremont. , the Weyauwega Public Library, Weyauwega City Hall, Fremont Village Hall, Neuschafer Community Library, Waupaca County Post, and at all W-F District locations. Dawn Loughrin Board Secretary Publish April 18, 2024 WNAXLP
Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 2024 5:30 PM District Meeting Room, 1048 E King Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Present: W. Quesinberry, R. Huseby, S. Woodall, S. Bolder, G. Steckbauer, M. Schommer, W. Simonis, R. Flynn, B. Susa, (2) staff members and (2) community members I. Call to Order: K. Kissinger Wolf called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call: Present: S. Kirsch, K. Kissinger Wolf, D. Long, B. Skubal, A. Swenty (Virtual), D. Velleux, and R. Zimmerman (Virtual) Absent: C. Hafeman, D. Huseby IV. Declaration of a Quorum: K. Kissinger Wolf declared there was a quorum. V. Adoption of Agenda: Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by D. Velleux to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. VI. District Administrator Report: W. Quesinberry reported to the board on several items including an update on the recent purchase of adjoining property, The Wall of Honor, legislative updates, and Third Friday Count. VII. Consent Agenda Items A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on February 13, 2024 B Approve the Minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee Meeting on February 6, 2024 C Approve the Minutes from the Ad hoc Committee meeting on February 8, 2024 D Approve the Minutes from the Executive Meeting on February 20, 2024 E Approve the Minutes from the Personnel Committee Meeting on February 21, 2024 F Approve the minutes from the Closed Sessions on February 13, 20, 21 and March 1, 2024 G Approve the Invoices from February 2024 H Employment/Contract Adjustments 1. Replacement Staff Marissa Schumacher Middle School Special Education Teacher, 2024-25 school year 2. Resignations Julia Schroder High School Art Teacher, at the end of the 2023-24 school year Amanda Johnson Tier 2 Hatchet Pride Coach, at the end of the 2023-24 school year Theresa L’Esperance Middle School Yearbook Advisor, at the end of the 2023-24 school year 3. Retirements Jill Lilek High School Special Education Paraprofessional, at the end of the 2023-24 school year 4. Volunteers Stephanie Ahrens High School Volunteer Track Coach Jason Olsen High School Volunteer Baseball Coach I Donations Jane Check $50.00 to High School FBLA David & Bonnie Sutton $192.54 for dinners for High School Drama Alan J. Bishop $100.00 to the Wall of Honor-Veterans project J Start College Now and Early College Credit Motion by D. Long and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the consent agenda items minus VII B and D (duplicated from February) and minus the March 1 Closed Session minutes (item F) Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Staff Reports: R. Flynn presented a winter sports recap with details on all winter athletics and activities. No action was taken. IX. School Resource Officer Report: B. Susa gave a yearly update and provided statistics and trends in the District. No action was taken. X. CESA 9 Contract: Motion by D. Long and seconded by S. Kirsch to approve the 2024-25 CESA 9 contract. Motion carried unanimously. XI. Approve SmartLab Proposal: W. Quesinberry proposed to the Board to approve using up to $300,000 of the summer school grant funds to be dedicated to the SmarkLab program. Motion by R. Zimmerman and seconded by B. Skubal to approve the use of up to $300,000 of the summer school grant funds to be dedicated to the SmartLab program. Motion carried unanimously. XII. Public Comment: (1) community member thanked the Board members that are working on the apportionment process. B. Skubal congratulated J. Lilek on her retirement. R. Zimmerman commended the hockey team on their team GPA average/award. XIII. Board Referrals: D. Long, S. Kirsch and K. Kissinger Wolf reminded the Board about the upcoming Feedback sessions for the apportionment. No action was taken. Motion by D. Long and seconded by S. Kirsch to move into a closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility." Motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote. A Personnel concerns XIV. Adjourn: K. Kissinger Wolf adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:51 pm _______________________________ Board Clerk Published April 17, 2024 WNAXLP
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 12, 2024 Regular Meeting Pursuant to the regulations, the regular Board meeting was held on the above date in the Waupaca High School Community Room and live streamed via YouTube. The meeting was also broadcast on TV Channel 991. The purpose of the Board Meeting Minutes is to capture the essence of discussions through the actions voted on. These minutes should not be interpreted to represent a transcription of the meeting. To watch a recording of this meeting, please click here. President’s Comments and Pledge of Allegiance: Dale Feldt welcomed everyone and asked Mr. Rudy Pate to lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Dale Feldt at 5:31 p.m. Roll Call: Present in the WHS Community Room: Dale Feldt, Steve Klismet, Molly McDonald, Bob Adams, Nic Genske, and Ron Brooks (arrived at 6:20 p.m.); Betty Manion was present via phone. Also Present: Present in the WHS Community Room: Ron Saari, Sandy Lucas, Mark Flaten, Laurie Schmidt, Austin Moore, Michael Werbowsky, Jenifer Erb, John Meyer, John Erspamer, Carrie Naparalla, Rob Scherrer, Alec Olson, Missy Durrrant, Bill Storck, Rudy Pate, and former City of Waupaca Librarian Sue Abrahamson. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Molly McDonald and seconded by Bob Adams to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Public Comment: None. Review of Board Meeting Norms: The Board reviewed their collective commitments. Personnel: Updated Staffing Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year: District Administrator Ron Saari advised of the known staffing changes to date, noting that the only change is the addition of an EL Coach. Director of Teaching and Learning Mark Flaten added that this will continue to be a monthly update provided to the Board to keep them advised of the movement of staff. Hires – 2023-2024 School Year: Samantha Peterson – WHS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Pearl Meyer – WHS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Tia Golke – Part-time WHS Food Service Class 3B A motion was made by Molly McDonald and seconded by Nic Genske to approve the above-listed new hires as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Board Reports: Student Representative Report: Alec Olson advised of the many activities occurring at WHS which included: juniors received their ACT materials today; juniors will be voting for prom court, prom is April 13th; spring sports have started; a forensics tournament is this Saturday; students have completed their 2024-2025 course selections; and seven FBLA members are going to state competition. Upcoming Meetings and Other Activities: The Board was reminded of the following upcoming meetings and other activities: March 18, 2024 – Building and Grounds Committee Meeting – 5:30 p.m. March 18, 2024 – Instructional Committee Meeting – 6:15 p.m. March 28, 2024 – Joint SB-GC Charter School Contract Committee Meeting – 1:00 p.m. April 2, 2024 – Election Day April 5, 2024 – Election Canvass – 8:00 a.m. April 9, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. April 22, 2024 – Special Board Organizational Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Completion of Board Member Availability Calendar: The Board members were asked to complete their availability calendars through April. School Visits or Other Board Report: Board member Betty Manion shared that she visited the LIVE program at WHS and discussed the transitions grant they received which will be used for the purchase of a transport van. She also attended CEC reader’s theater and the solo ensemble competition hosted at WHS. She, along with Board members Dale Feldt and Bob Adams, attended CEC project night. Mr. Feldt added that he attended the School Law Conference and was a judge in Ms. Amanda Nelson’s cooking class. Board member Nic Genske shared that he attended the girls’ basketball playoff game. CEC Liaison Report: CEC Liaison Betty Manion advised that she attended the Governance Council (GC) meeting which included an enrollment update, noting that grades 4K-5 will be going to the lottery. In addition, the CEC audit was presented by Mr. David Minch of KerberRose SC. The GC also discussed fundraising for the purchase of playground equipment, and surveys were sent out regarding mental health. Joint School Board-Governance Council Charter School Contract Committee: Committee Chairperson Dale Feldt advised that the Committee met earlier this afternoon. The contract has been completed and the Committee will be working on the Benchmarks at their next meeting. Their goal is to complete everything at the March 28th meeting. After which, he will send the contract to all members of the School Board and Governance Council for their review, with final approval of the contract being made at the School Board’s April 9th meeting. Finance Committee Meeting: Committee Chairperson Dale Feldt advised that the Finance Committee met on February 26th and discussed several items, one of which was the purchase of a video board for the WHS gymnasium. He asked Director of Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics Rob Scherrer to provide a brief update on that. Mr. Scherrer shared that he would like to purchase an 8’ x 15’ video board for the WHS gymnasium which would be 100% paid for by sponsorships. Since the Committee meeting, a final product has been created and he has secured two partnerships and is looking for four more. The video board would generate revenue of approximately $7,000 per year for the first three years and then approximately $42,000 per year after that if the price remains as is. A motion was made by Dale Feldt, per Committee recommendation, to allow Director of Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics Rob Scherrer to move forward and secure sponsorships, and then proceed to purchase an 8’ x 15’ video board for the WHS gymnasium as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Mr. Feldt provided updates relating to the Spirit Gas Pumps at the Shell and two Mobil gas stations, as well as car wash subscriptions at Waupaca Pump N’ Munch Mobil. An update to the 2024-2025 budget was presented and Mr. Feldt advised that the District will not have to go to an operational budget referendum, and asked Director of Business Services Austin Moore to summarize the update. Mr. Moore advised that they have now received solid numbers from DPI and the CPI is now locked in. Those new numbers along with other miscellaneous items resulted in bringing the deficit down to approximately $65,000, which can be taken care of through the normal budgeting process. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Steve Klismet and seconded by Molly McDonald to approve the items of the consent agenda as presented. Approval of Minutes: February 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting February 22, 2024 Joint SB-GC Charter School Contract Committee Meeting February 26, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting February 26, 2024 Special Board Meeting February 27, 2024 Joint SB-GC Charter School Contract Committee Meeting Financial Reports: Accounts Payable Approval: $1,453,287.12, and Building Fund Payable: $14,922.06 Treasurer’s Report – January – Total Cash per Reconciliation: $9,819,705.08 Budget to Actual Comparison by Fund Groups for February: Fund 10 Ending Balance: $9,892,666 [2022-2023: $10,742,863] Fund 21 Ending Balance: $375,084 [2022-2023: $451,551] Fund 27 Ending Balance: -$1,494,739 [2022-2023: -$1,666,283] Fund 38 Ending Balance: $-1 [2022-2023: $0] Fund 41 Ending Balance: $0 [2022-2023: $0] Fund 49 Ending Balance: $1,194,032 [2022-2023: $922,336] Fund 50 Ending Balance: $454,306 [2022-2023: $410,869] Resignations: Tanya Saari – WLC Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Abby Marshall – WHS Special Education Teacher Renewal of CESA 5 Lease Agreement for 2024-2025 The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Communications: District Administrator Ron Saari recognized two observances which occurred last week – National School Breakfast Week and National School Social Worker Recognition Week. Donations: Mr. Saari advised of a donation made to WHS Boys Hockey from Waupaca Area Youth Hockey, as well as many donations from various individuals and businesses to WHS SADD post prom. A motion was made by Nic Genske and seconded by Bob Adams to accept, with gratitude, the donation made to WHS Boys Hockey from Waupaca Area Youth Hockey, as well as the various donations made to WHS SADD post prom from Liebe Family, Mace Family, River Hill Dental, Chain O’Lakes Litho, Subway, Waupaca Pump N’ Munch, Farmers State Bank, Health and Fitness, Waupaca Foundry, Spine and Sport Therapy, and Holly Funeral Home as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. District Administrator’s Report: Mr. Saari shared that over 100 8th graders participated in The Pitch, which is an entrepreneurial workshop, and there will be a student hiring expo this Thursday at WHS, both sponsored by the Chamber. He provided an update on the Tiny House project advising that there is a meeting next week to discuss marketing it. In response to a question raised regarding the budget for this project, Mr. Feldt asked that it be put on the agenda for the upcoming Instructional Committee meeting on March 18th. Mr. Saari shared that our Inspire Coordinator has resigned, he and Board President Dale Feldt attended the School Law Conference, and he provided the Grant Writer update as well. Mr. Saari advised that he along with Building and Grounds Supervisor Matt Vassar met with the County Highway Department to review how to manage this location as the parent staging area in the case of an emergency and they will be meeting again on April 15th. He also explained the reunification process and shared the reunification card. Because websites and/or cell phone lines may be down/overloaded, an Infinite Campus (IC) blast will go out to all parents to notify them of the status and where their child is. The process is for parents to go to the staging area at the County Highway Department and they will then be escorted by law enforcement to the reunification location. Some discussion then continued regarding parent notification, the staging area, and the reunification process. Monitoring: Student Services Update: Director of Student Services Laurie Schmidt provided the annual update outlining enrollment data and services provided for students of special populations such as students with disabilities, students with 504 plans, English learners, and students identified as homeless. Normally this report is provided later in the year, but she shared it tonight because it correlates with the EL program update which is next on the agenda. She advised that the District has seen a consistent upward trend in special education identification over the past four years and now consists of approximately 18% of our student population. All students with a disability have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the services provided are based on student needs. The District also has five students placed at the Waupaca County Alternative Program (WCAP) through CESA 5 at a cost of $39,500 per year per student. This year the District was able to claim a high cost reimbursement for those costs. Ms. Schmidt advised that the District has 15 students with a Section 504 plan, which is considered an accommodation plan and requires the District to provide eligible disabled students with equal access to regular education services, programs, and activities offered by the SDW. She also advised that our English Learner (EL) population has significantly increased this year from 33 to 67. Therefore, the District now meets the state criteria for a mandated bilingual-bicultural program, and the Administration will be requesting additional staffing for the EL program. She shared that technology and artificial intelligence are used daily to communicate with students and families. Ms. Schmidt advised that the District works with the Waupaca Public Library, the City of Waupaca, as well as the Foundry to share information and assist families. She further advised that most of the Spanish speaking students are not bilingual, but the WHS Spanish V students assist with these students. Ms. Schmidt advised that students are identified as homeless during the enrollment process and are offered resources throughout the community. Currently the District has 34 students identified as homeless. Administration: Staffing for English Learner (EL) Program: Ms. Schmidt advised that, as previously mentioned, the District has seen a significant increase of English Learners. Therefore, given the increase in Spanish speaking students, in particular, which requires more attention than one EL Coach can provide, she is requesting the addition of one certified EL Coach and two EL Educational Assistants for the 2024-2025 school year. All of these positions have been factored into the 2024-2025 budget, and in addition the District now qualifies for a $40,000 grant which she will be applying for. She added that although this should have been brought to a Personnel Committee first, she would like to get these positions posted as soon as possible. Therefore, per her discussions with Personnel Committee Chairperson Betty Manion and Board President Dale Feldt, it was agreed that it could go directly before the full Board. As she stated earlier, the District now meets the threshold for the state’s requirement that it create a plan for a bilingual-bicultural program for grades K-3 and 4-8 in reference to the Spanish language. Ms. Schmidt added that the new EL Coach will provide services to 5-8 grade students followed by supporting the 9-12 grade teachers and students, and the Educational Assistants will support the EL Coaches and students. The additional staffing will support students, teachers and families throughout the District by providing interpreting and translation. Ms. Schmidt also shared the position descriptions for both the EL Coach and EL Educational Assistant. A motion was made by Ron Brooks and seconded by Steve Klismet to approve the EL Educational Assistant position description, and to approve the additional 1.0 FTE EL Coach and 2.0 FTE EL Educational Assistants as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Chain Exploration Center Enrollment Update: CEC Administrator Carrie Naparalla provided the CEC’s enrollment information for the 2024-2025 school year. Everyone in grades 4K-3 are returning and she was excited to share that a lottery is needed in grades 4K-5. However, enrollment continues to struggle in grades 6-8. They want to encourage the 5th graders to stay, and have sent out flyers and placed posts on Facebook to encourage new applicants. She also advised that they send exit surveys to families leaving the CEC. Approval of 2025-2026 School Year Calendar: Director of Teacher and Learning Mark Flaten advised that Administration provided staff with four different 2025-2026 calendar options for their review, and the 2025-2026 school calendar for Board approval tonight best satisfies most based on the feedback they received. It was noted that, per past practice, spring break is scheduled between the winter and spring sports seasons, although it may interfere with winter postseason activities. A motion was made by Bob Adams and seconded by Nic Genske to approve the 2025-2026 school year calendar as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Proposed Cell Tower on District Property: Director of Business Services Austin Moore advised that LLC Telecom has been hired by Tillman Infrastructure to find suitable locations for a cell phone tower. LLC Telecom has identified two locations on the western most portion of WHS property that would be suitable for a 100’ x 100’ area for a 250’ cell tower to be erected. Administration has signed a non-binding document that allows LLC Telecom and Tillman Infrastructure to begin the process of evaluating the property. Once their engineers approve the installation process, their construction manager and engineer will meet with the District regarding which location they have chosen and the logistics. At that time, this will come before the Board again with final details on the location and logistics, and for final approval and signature of the lease agreement and related easements. Mr. Moore shared a map indicating where the two proposed areas are located. Several Board members along with Mr. Moore advised that they preferred Option #1, and Mr. Moore advised that the District can agree or not agree with the location chosen. Mr. Moore advised that this project will positively impact the District as well as our community, and he outlined the proposed terms of the contract. Tillman Infrastructure would be responsible for all costs associated with the installation (which includes fencing) as well as any needed maintenance; the District would not be responsible for any fees or costs. If the tower is no longer needed, Tillman would be responsible for complete removal of the tower, equipment and fencing, as well as any foundations, footings, and concrete below grade. Liability insurance coverage will be the responsibility of Tillman Infrastructure. A motion was made by Steve Klismet to authorize Administration to negotiate and proceed with signing a lease agreement with LLC Telecom to install a cell phone tower project on District property as presented. However, it was pointed out that the Administration does not yet have the authority to proceed with signing a lease agreement. Therefore, an amended motion was made by Steve Klismet and seconded by Ron Brooks to authorize Administration to negotiate with LLC Telecom to install a cell phone tower project on District property as presented, and then bring that information back to the full Board for final approval and signature. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Construction Update: Mr. Saari advised that the construction projects are coming to an end. He has a walk-through scheduled tomorrow with Miron Construction at the WLC. The entire project is approximately $139,000 over budget due to unforeseen change orders that took place over the course of the construction process. This additional expense will be covered in the present budget. Adjournment into Closed Session: A motion was made by Steve Klismet and seconded by Ron Brooks to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c), Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, and Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(f), Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons, which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. Specifically, to discuss personnel issues. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote at 6:56 p.m. The Board did not reconvene in open session. Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Dale Feldt, President Board of Education Molly McDonald, Clerk Board of Education Publish April 18, 2024 WNAXLP
School District of Horicon Board of Education Meeting March 18, 2024 6:00 p.m. Horicon School Board Room – Room 407 Board of Education meeting called to order by President Strieff at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to approve the March 18, 2024 BOE agenda as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Westimayer, second by Bischoff to approve the minutes of the February 19, 2024 BOE meeting as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to approve the fund 10,21,27,38, 39, 49, 50, 73, and 80 Vouchers in the amount of $564,475.05 [Check #32683 to Check #32778 and Check #51341 to Check #51367]. Roll call vote: Ayes-[Westimayer, Grigg, Strieff, Bischoff, Nicolaus, Vincent, Hodgson] Nays-[None]. Motion carried. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Vincent to approve the Fund 60 Activity Account as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Resignations - INFORMATIONAL ONLY - Patricia Wille, Special Education Aide – Effective 3-11-2024 Employment - INFORMATIONAL ONLY - Caryn Seidel, Food Service – Effective 4-1-2024 Retirements - Motion by Vincent, second by Bischoff to accept the resignation of Ms. Sharon Voit, Grade 6 Middle School Teacher, for the purpose of retirement effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Nicolaus to approve the FBLA State Leadership Conference Overnight Field Trip in Green Bay April 8-9, 2024. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Westimayer, second by Bischoff to approve one application for ECCP – Start College Now Program for 2024-25 first semester classes. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to approve a resolution to provide online options with the Kiel Virtual Charter School for students who need an alternative program to continue their education. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Vincent to approve the schools of St. Matthew Lutheran (Iron Ridge) and St. Stephen Lutheran (Horicon) proposed school attendance area for purposes of bussing for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Westimayer, second by Hodgson to approve the SDH Employee Handbook & Appendices ~ Updates/ Revisions as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Discussion Items: 2024 Summer School Timeline, Neola Policy Update – [Volume 33, Number 1] – First Reading President/Administration/ Student Reports: Vorlob, Sawyer, LeBouton, Graven, Schwartz, Appel. Committee Reports: Facilities and Finance Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to adjourn at 6:41 p.m. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Approved April 15, 2024 Meredith Strieff, Board President WNAXLP DCP 4/25
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Working School Board Committee Meeting - Minutes Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, April 1, 2024 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Diana Jones, Mike Grassl, Tony Neumann and Vanessa Kirmse. Absent; Laura Krogwold and Paul Huettner Administration present - Chris Nelson, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Jan Bue-Wells and Tammy Bauer Observer’s present - Erikka Flowers II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Old Business - None IV. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Harbridge No report B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Grassl 1. 2024-2025 Staff Salary Recommendations - No action was taken C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether 1. Insurance renewal discussion - informational D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Huettner No report F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Jones 1. Job Descriptions - No action was taken a) Fitness Center Program Coordinator b) Fitness Center Administrative Assistant G. Negotiations - Chairperson Kirmse No report V. New Business A. DECA Overnight Travel - No action was taken B. FCCLA Overnight Travel Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the FCCLA Overnight travel request as presented. Motion carried by voice vote. C. 2025 Band and Choir Trip - No action was taken D. 2024-2025 CESA 5 Contract - No action was taken E. 2024-2025 Young Impressions contract - No action was taken F. 2024-2025 Iola Preschool contract - No action was taken G. Board Meeting Motion Procedure Discussion - informational VI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. April 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 7 pm. VII. Adjourn Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Diana Jones at 6:49 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by voice vote. Publish April 18, 2024 WNAXLP

Miscellaneous Agriculture 

USED REAR BLADE: Used 6' rear blade, 3-point hitch, good condition. $200. 920-837-2404

Miscellaneous Merchandise 

CHEST FREEZER, 8-9 cu. ft. Great shape, $85; Bar stools, wrought iron w/cutout wolf design, padded, pair $50. 715-493-1385
FREE / TRADE: Books on CDs and cassettes. History, romance, mystery & more. 715-420-1736

Miscellaneous Pet 

PAWS 2 THINK helps feed local pets for those having financial difficulties. Donations are needed: Monetary or dry dog & cat food. Drop at Tomahawk Warehouse Liquor. For info, call 715-612-5866

Miscellaneous Real Estate 

WANTED TO BUY: 1-5 acres agricultural land in Town of Grant. Call Jim at 715-697-1551
WANTED: Land contract or rent-to-own in Marathon County. Local sellers only. 715-921-0938

Miscellaneous Services 

CARPENTER: 25 yrs experience. Professional carpenter servicing Northwoods surrounding areas. Based in Pelican Lake. Availability for interior & exterior projects from framing to finishing! Call today! Vince Perez 262-891-7709